VT Child Psychiatry Access Program Harnessing Collaborating Relationships to Meet Goals

Our team member, Dr. Lisa Natkin, serves as the external evaluator for Vermont’s Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) HRSA’s Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program. Part of the grant funds the Vermont’s Child Psychiatry Access Program (CPAP), which is a consultation line for medical providers who work with children to call to talk with psychiatrics to discuss patient care or receive referral information. Additional grant funds go towards offering professional development opportunities for Vermont clinicians for a variety of topics such as treatment strategies for mental health issues and trauma responsive care.


Lisa attended PMHCA’s annual grantee meeting June 4-5, 2024: Maternal and Child Health Tele-Behavioral Health Access Programs Annual Meeting: Sustaining a Behavioral Healthcare Access Program Through Implementation and Beyond.  Lisa, Laurel Omland (DMH), and Ellen Arrowsmith (CPAP) presented the following poster: Vermont PMHCA: Vermont Child Psychiatry Access Program Harnessing Collaborating Relationships to Meet Key Engagement and Training Goals. 

During the conference, we talked with other state teams about their programs, sharing lessons learned and strategies for engagement. Lisa met HRSA program officers and talked with other evaluators about their approach to data management and analysis. It was a wonderful in person networking opportunity making connections about the important work we are doing.