SBIRT in Vermont Schools

Vermont’s Youth SBIRT has expanded to working with middle and high schools in Vermont. Here is an infographic from one high school that has found the process to be helpful in identifying strengths and needs among their students.  Part of what has made this effort so successful is the buy-in from the leadership level through to the clinical staff to teachers.  It’s clear the school community as a whole sees the value in SBIRT!


Here is what Win Turner, Ph.D., the YSBIRT project director said about screening youths in schools:
“Helping our Vermont youth now is more critical than ever. Screening all students in a school helps in reducing stigma about youth mental health, shows students they matter, and builds a culture of care and wellness in our schools leading to feeling safe and an increased ability to be successful. The data summary highlights areas of strengths and areas of concern and keeps this on the top of all of our minds – so we can take the needed next steps in changing our systems of care!”